Unlimited bash/zsh history
In bash or zsh the history is my documentation. I have a unlimited history, or at least a super huge history. Once I typed a command into my terminal, on that very machine, it will be there forever or at least for a very long time.
And I have nice autocompletion. If I ever had typed some commands, say cmake -S . -B build
and cmake --build build
If I type cmake
+ ArrowUp
key, it will autocomplete to cmake --build build
Another ArrowUo
will autocomplete to cmake -S . -B build
You get the point. It takes the written letters and searches through the history all command that started with the letters typed.
I have explained that bash/zsh setup often enough to finally write it down.
This is what I have in my .zshrc
#use a history file in here
# make it huge, really huge.
# there is for sure still some redundancy, but ...
# setopt BANG_HIST # Treat the '!' character specially during expansion.
# setopt EXTENDED_HISTORY # Write the history file in the ":start:elapsed;command" format.
setopt INC_APPEND_HISTORY # Write to the history file immediately, not when the shell exits.
setopt SHARE_HISTORY # Share history between all sessions.
setopt HIST_EXPIRE_DUPS_FIRST # Expire duplicate entries first when trimming history.
setopt HIST_IGNORE_DUPS # Don't record an entry that was just recorded again.
setopt HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS # Delete old recorded entry if new entry is a duplicate.
setopt HIST_FIND_NO_DUPS # Do not display a line previously found.
setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE # Don't record an entry starting with a space.
setopt HIST_SAVE_NO_DUPS # Don't write duplicate entries in the history file.
setopt HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS # Remove superfluous blanks before recording entry.
#setopt HIST_VERIFY # Don't execute immediately upon history expansion.
#setopt HIST_BEEP # Beep when accessing nonexistent history.
alias history="history 0"
and this in my .zprofile
# this puts the curser on the end?
autoload -U history-search-end
zle -N history-beginning-search-backward-end history-search-end
zle -N history-beginning-search-forward-end history-search-end
bindkey "^[[A" history-beginning-search-backward-end
bindkey "^[[B" history-beginning-search-forward-end
My bash setup is not as detailed but works also
In my .bash_profile
I have
# unlimited history
export HISTSIZE=
# no duplicates
export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth:erasedups
# use a specific file
export HISTFILE=~/.bash_eternal_history
# Force prompt to write history after every command.
PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r"
For navigation the history with autocompletion there is this in my .bashrc
bind '"\e[A": history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[B": history-search-forward'
Possible improvements?
I have none. The command I typed 3 months ago … what was it? Its in the history. If I remember the first letters I have even a nice search for it. I am happy.
But if you know about any improvements that could be added, please let me know. Just put them in the comment section below. Thanks in advance!