Delayed September retrospective && SwedenCpp
Again a long time without a blog post. Too long.
So I thought at the end of October it is about the right time to post delivery some news from September.
Sweden C++ Stockholm 0x01
In September we had our first C++ user group conference in Stockholm. Three very interesting C++ talks, pizza, socialising, it was a great evening.
The evening
For the organisation of the evening I had to invest lot of my spare time, so no wounder that I had no time to update the blog.
- Lesson learned
If you do something do it together with the right people. SwedenCpp has a excellent organizer team and it makes so much fun to work together.
The location
We have been able to host the event on a wonderful location. You can view some photos available on the company blog of my employer.
My managers Mats and Boe, and my collogue Karolina did a awesome job! Preparing the location, organising pizza, managing drinks and taking over the job of a door opener for the visitors. Thanks a lot for this location to Tritech.
- Lesson learned
If you do something do it together with the right people. If you work for the right company it helps a lot. And it makes so much fun seeing you manager managing pizza and drinks!
By the way, if you want to work together with us visit our career site and have a look at our job openings.
The talks
The most important parts of the evening has been of course the talks.
We had 3 great talks:
Mikael Rosbacke
'C/C++11 minnesmodell. Varför, och vad tillför den?' -
Björn Fahller
'Mocking Modern C++ with Trompeloeil' -
Pierre LeMoine
'Bringing IEnumerable to C++'
Thanks Mikael, Björn and Pierre for doing a fantastic job!
Videos of all 3 C++talks are available on our youtube channel.
- Lesson learned
If you do something do it together with the right people.
And if you plan to record talks, check your camera tripod in time if all required screws are still available. Special thank you on this place to Paul, who did the recording, post-editing and uploading of the videos. Great job! And we will do our best to never again end up without a well working tripod :-).
The near future of SwedenCpp
Organisation for the next conference, what will be Sweden C++ Stockholm 0x02, has already started. Also planing of some attritional activities for Q1 and Q2 2017.
So if there is no blog post for some time you know that I use my spare time for other, also often written, forms of communication.
- Visit our meetup site to stay informed about our activities
I have put up a domain that forwards to the meetup side, so it is enough to type sweden.cpp into your address bar. This is much shorter than, isn’t it?
What to help SwedenCpp
Volunteers are welcome
SwedenCpp is the C++ community for the C++ community of Stockholm.
The group and all activities are run by volunteers so help is always appreciated.
If you would like to make conference talk, hold a work shop or have any idea for other activity please contact us.
You can reach us via mail or via the meetup page.
If you have access to a location to host one of our future conferences or one of the uppcomming workshops or have any other support idea, like JetBrains who kindly provides some CLion licenses, please come in contact with us. There is also some space available on our sponsor site.