My tools for modern static
This was my tooling from 2016 to 2020, read here about what I use today. |
When blogger appeared I thought this could be nice, and actually it is, it works great for a lot of people.
But when I search about howtows on how to write developer content, like highlighted source code, the provided solution I found did not seem very appealing to me.
And it is not possible to run a blogger site myself, and this is an option I would like to have.
Wordpress seemed to be a good alternative thought it’s Markdown support.
I like Markdown, and it’s possible to run Wordpress yourself if you want.
But running a Wordpress site for putting some text into the internet …, well, there are Wordpress security vulnerabilities.
This seems to be a bit extreme for just having some text online.
Finally I found what is called modern static, in short
website generators.
This fits good to me since it is simple to create and simple to host.
Possible the most prominent tool is Jekyll which is from, and also used by, github. It’s great.
I decided to use awestruct
since it is used by
itself for its homepage.
And I like Asciidoctor
a lot since it is some kind of
swiss army knife for me.
It allows me to generate html sites like this, presentations with
diagrams using
ditaa style,
which is perfect to draw in
vim and DrawIt
emacs and artist mode,
and generate PlantUML diagrams from text.
Using these tools I can create a lot of things simply with an editor and manage the sources via git.
Fits prefect to the workflow I like.
In case of this website the result is hosted at bitbucket as a simple,
modern [1]
static website.