About finally a homepage
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About me
My origins are in Vienna/Austria but I live in Stockholm/Sweden.
I develop software since the mid nineties of the last century. It is an exciting and interesting job, sometimes also a little crazy, but I still like it. Mostly I am involved in C++ projects on Linux, Windows and OSX, but I am using other programming languages as well.
In recent time I developed a huge interest in automatization and tooling, CI/CD and devops.
I like to spend my spare time together with my family. When time is left I am in front of a computer or a book, for fun and for learning purpose. I am also very actively involved in the local C++ developer community, what consumes a huge part of my available time left.
- Some visible results from my spare time and hobby activities
This site, with my blog :-)
I do not do as much writing as I would like to do theses days, but maybe, and hopefully, this will change. -
The local C++ meetup group
StockholmCpp, the C++ user group of Stockholm, by far my favorite hobby. You can find some more information about that topic on my blog. -
The swedencpp youtube channel
I learned how to edit videos and the results can be seen at youtube. There are also some of my talks among the recordings. I like this kind of activity a lot since it is very different to my programming and other IT related tasks. -
The swedencpp website
swedencpp is a nodejs application with a html frontend. This is something different to what I usually do. For me, the side is one of the best places to find information about C++. It lists recent videos and blog posts, and has a calendar with upcoming events. When time allows it, I will add some more functionality. -
SIS/TK 611/AG09
SIS/TK 611/AG09 is the Swedish mirror committee for ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21. I am the convener of SIS/TK 611/AG09 and member of the local expert group for C++, what makes me a member of SC22/WG21. -
My bitbake tutorial.
A intro to bitbake. This page has more than 1000 views per month and is also under the top search results at google for a bitbake tutorial. This makes me very proud;-), but also means I need to keep this document up to date, since bitbake changes over time.
- Archive, oldies but goldies
sbbdep, (Slack Build Binary Dependencies)
The tool for exploring binary runtime dependencies on Slackware and Slackware based systems. sbbdep is a final project, only bugfixes are done. But since some years it is pretty stable. -
libsl3, a C++11 interface for sqlite3
A sqlite3 wrapper back from the time where C++11 was new :-)
Still a solid library and an example for how I think a library should look like, Unit test, 100% code coverage and a complete documentation.
Beside I am also active contributor to other open source projects. Usually when I use some tool, and need some functionality or find some issue, I just fix it and send the result upstream.
If you are interested what I do for living, there is some more info on my linkedin profile which I try to keep up to date, occasionally.
Direct contact is possible via harald dot achitz at gmail dot com.